Controlling Others is NOT Spiritual Evolution

Controlling Others is not Spiritual Evolution
by Catherine Whelan Costen (Catherine Clarity Coaching)

I had an interesting observation tonight as I listened to an online meditation with beautiful channeled message; I wanted to share this with you in case any of you are noticing this in your own life. A question was asked about what we can do to change the world, to be more powerful and force people who are violent to stop.

This person was asking the question and wanting spiritual tools to overpower people she felt were doing things ‘wrong’, things that made her upset.

As this planet is changing and becoming more light filled, more hope and potential for peace, I think some people see that as ‘their job’ to force people into peace, or into their way of seeing peace and harmony.

Spiritual Evolution.001

There is an evolution happening, of that I have no doubt, but its personal. We are meant to change ourselves and that will change the world. We are not meant to force our will on others, which will only add more oppression to the equation.

Any kind of forced behaviour or beliefs is not evolution; it’s the opposite. Before I began my journey into a deeper understanding of spirituality and all things metaphysical, I had a deep Roman Catholic upbringing and in that process I was taught to live my life with enough evidence of my Christian beliefs in practice, that there would be enough evidence to convict me of being a Christian, if I was ever so accused. It had nothing to do with converting anyone else to believe what I believed. I had a wonderful friend who was also a priest, I wrote his biography and when I asked him about the many Christians who want to try to convert others, he told me in no uncertain terms, ‘people cannot convert other people; the Holy Spirit does that!’

It is the same with our spiritual evolution, our collective awakening, the shift in vibration of this planet, etc., all of it happens in right and perfect time. We can contribute to elevating the vibration to more love, by being more loving, less judgemental and live our lives in harmonious ways. We don’t have to push our views on others, nor ask the Divine to give us more power over others, it is enough to have power over our own ego, our own thoughts and behaviour and that will change our world. Not everyone wants to live in peace, not everyone wants to live the way others do. Not everyone is ready to eat the same foods, or dress the same way or pray the same way…and in truth, I doubt there would be so many of us on the planet if we were all meant to be the same. If hunting is violent to you, then don’t hunt. If eating meat is wrong for you, then don’t do it, if being gay and getting married doesn’t work for you, don’t do it…don’t do the things that you feel are wrong for you, but don’t try to force your wrongness onto others. What is wrong for me may be right for you and vice versa. We all have our path and no two are the same.

Yes we can desire peace and know (trust) it will come, but not by our forcing it on others, not by jailing all those who won’t play the game our way. If we want peace, we have to let the Divine do its part and just take care of doing ours.

Too often we are awakening to knew insight and then get on a bandwagon to make others believe our new insight is a ‘must do’ for everyone. I think that is just another ego tool. Not that I have anything against ego, it has its place, but that place is not to run the show.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with expressing our views; that is often helpful for people wanting to learn new ways of looking at the world. That is how I learn, I listen, I explore, meditate, contemplate and discuss. But trying to shame, blame and ridicule people who don’t think the same things as we do, is actually not going to encourage anyone to explore, in my experience that usually just makes people dig their heals in more. Yes I think we need to stand up and voice our concerns about wars, oppression and violations of human rights, influencing the choices we collectively make on this planet are critical and important, but we cannot be heard if we do it with violence.

Even though I have expanded my understandings of spirituality beyond my Catholic upbringing I still look at the many examples of peaceful evolution taught to us by Jesus Christ…he did not try to force his peaceful ways onto people who could not hear, yet his message is still resonating throughout history.

If we want change, we have to be change, not force others to change so we can feel in control or more powerful. Our fear that ‘they’ won’t change is just our ego screaming, nothing Divine about that, in my opinion. If we want more light, love, joy and harmony in our world we will have to show the world what that looks like, by our living example; it has never worked to say, ‘do as I say not as I do’…no one ever followed that kind of instruction.

Fear is not going to get us to that loving place many of us want, it’ll just get us more of what we say we do not want.

I hope this observation is helpful, just a little insight I stumbled on tonight.