Be The Boss of YOU!

Hate, fear, arousal & love are rooted in perception
They are cultivated within
We choose

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Be your own boss! Every human has the capacity to control their own feelings, emotions, thoughts, words and deeds. Far too many people give up that power to an external force.

Some men will suggest that women wearing short skirts cause them to rape, assault or touch without invitation. If we accept that concept, we are accepting that men have no power, that they have given the power to their sexual fantasies. Yet, we know this is not true, as many men are quite capable of functioning in the world without touching what does not belong to them.

The glitch in that thinking can also be overridden by the indoctrination that women are property, that in fact women do belong to men. We see that kind of programing in many religious teachings and cults.

Everybody has the right to say No, but not everyone knows they have that right or power. That power can be exploited. It can be used by those who manipulate, indoctrinate and hype vulnerable dis-empowered people.

Our fear can be taught, so can our hate however once we are adults, we really must evaluate the triggers in our environment and look for the roots of those triggers, if we want to take back the power taken from us in our formative years.

“As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.” Nelson Mandela

Today we see politicians playing on our fear and feeding the hate that comes from the fear. It serves the politician to take the power we give them, but it does not serve the individual or society.  Many humans hate what they fear. Fear can be very uncomfortable. Hate and expressions of hate can relieve some of that anxiety, but it will not give us back our power.

During the Nazi regime in WWII, Hitler used the fear of people not having jobs to create chaos. He blamed the Jews for society’s poverty; people were looking for someone to blame other than themselves. He also blamed the well educated, the low IQ, the infirm, disabled. Creating an illusion that some people are inferior, while the herd is superior for no other reason than that they belong to that herd, is still a tactic being used today.

Low self-esteem plays a part in the ease in which we can be manipulated. When people are already in survival mode, it’s easy to offer them someone to blame for that circumstance; it’s also easy to hate that which is perceived to be causing us the discomfort. Fearing the unknown, the unfamiliar and the ones who do not look like us has been used throughout history to control masses of people.

Creating exclusive groups with an air of superiority is a method used by monarchs for holy wars, which were in fact political wars.  People could be rallied with great ease when they believed they were fighting for their ‘God’, protecting their rightful religion and the glory of martyrdom.

It’s human nature to want to belong to a group, especially one that is perceived as powerful and influential. It’s often part of those groups’ process to initiate people to prove their loyalty to the group by having them do something; that something is often a shameful act, or perhaps labelled courageous by the group. Some people call this herd mentality, or group think, but regardless of the label, it is a form of handing over power to an external force, rather than claiming our own power.

More insight

When we don’t claim our power, we can find it hard to take responsibility for our actions and prefer to blame someone or something external.

All of these methods require the consent of the individual, although it may not be informed consent. The tactics are the same ones used by the bully in the playground, or the three year old developing its autonomy. When adults are still immature in their awareness of their own power, they are just as easily manipulated as a child.

The man can control his sexual desires, but society has taught us to accept that the woman has power over men through her body. Making laws and rules about who owns a woman’s body has been a manipulation tool of a Patriarchal system, which serves to keep the masses in check. Those who seek to have power over masses of people know that if they keep women believing they are powerless, they only have to control the men.

Hitler didn’t force people to hate; he simply gave them a direction to express that hate. Religion didn’t force people to wage war and kill for God; it simply manipulated the ego that desires glorification through conquering others. Some politicians today are using that same playbook; some people are emboldened by the groupthink mentality. There is safety in numbers and herds know that, but it does not serve humanity to be divided into groups of hateful, fearful people led by politicians who are the same.

Where can a hateful, fearful leader lead people? Certainly not to empowerment, for if they did that, the people would not follow them. In the animal kingdom the fearful do not lead~ the confident, protective, wise ones lead. In humans, wise leaders to not feed hate or fear, they empower people to rise above and build rather than destroy.

Humans do not need to follow; we can walk side by side, hand in hand and heart to heart to create an awesome world. Open hearts envision and build, whereas hateful, fearful hearts run, hide, or crush and fight.

How we perceive the world, determines how we respond or react to it. When we perceive through a filter of fear, we often fear what we see or the illusion we seem to see. We build our own prisons and we also create the paths to our freedom.

Nelson Mandela knew that hate was not where his power lived, so did Gandhi.

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

― Nelson Mandela, Long Walk to Freedom

We give away our power when we accept the ‘stories’ being told about who is to blame for our hurdles in life. Our hate is used against us; our fear is a catalyst for hate. Love, compassion and understanding are tools for evolution and empowerment of all.

When we really claim our own power, we take responsibility for our lives. We have the ability to respond rather than react. We have the tools to take apart the stories and examine them for truth or lies. When we are empowered we can think for ourselves. Be Your OWN Boss, is not simply a concept for business, it is a truth about life. It is our birthright to be free on this planet and a responsibility to use our power for good.

There is freedom in accepting our power and not giving it away to people who we perceive are working for our best interest. All of us live for ourselves. Serving others well does in fact benefit our selves. Exploitation cannot happen when we take back our power. Survival mode is not thriving, it’s fearful and vulnerable to exploitation.

When we learn the truth our inner wisdom, fearful leaders who manipulate our fear, do not lead us. We lead, they walk beside us, they facilitate rather than manipulate. They collaborate, suggest and assist us in navigation, rather than dictate the path.

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Catherine Whelan Costen

Connect with Catherine via Social media


Fight for Peace Or Build it?

We have been indoctrinated into believing that everything we want requires a fight to acquire. But is that true? Is fighting our best and only method?

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We all know that if we want a certain outcome we have to focus on that outcome. If we really want to build a new house, but continually invest in the old house, we’ll never have time, money, energy or true passion for the new house.

If we want to have relationships with our family but spend all our time and thought on fighting against the things we think are destroying family, we’ll never reach our goal.

When we embrace the idea that anything worth having is worth fighting for, we also accept that anything that comes easy, or without a fight is not valuable.

Where we invest our time, our money, our energy is where we see outcomes. Perpetual fight mentality keeps us looking for things to fight for and against. As a global population we collectively suggest a desire for peace, but we tend to focus on war.

Fighting and war require specific tools, language and attitudes. Peace and harmony requires different tools, language and attitudes.

Although it is true that if we want to erect a new structure on the same space as an old one, we’ll have to demolish to the old. How much time to we really want to invest smashing up the old? There will be tremendous resistance in that old structure; it’ll require a lot of energy and resources that might be better applied to the new build.

If we are living in the old, we cannot demolish it from that space and still function at optimum performance. Wouldn’t it be prudent to focus on building the new, on a solid foundation and then simply move to the new and allow the old to be demolished or decay on it’s own, from our safe, secure, harmonious new home?

I believe this is part of the reason we’ve been stuck in perpetual war. We invest in it. We glorify the conquering of people and nations for the profit of a few. We’re desiring a new outcome but still living in the old space and attitudes.

If we are serious about the new world of peace, harmony, fairness and mutual respect, we’ll need tools that support that reality. The tools of war, greed, fear and hate are not the same as those of love and peace.

Choosing our weapons, our words, our tools wisely will make all the difference in the outcome. We get what we invest in. We invest in what we truly value. There are many things in life that are free and are more valuable that anything we fight for.

The love for and from a child is free. The scent of a rose is free. The smile from a stranger is free. The warmth of the sun shining on our faces is free. Life itself is given freely; why do we make it a fight?

Sunday Musings by Catherine Whelan Costen

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